How to attract Hot girl friend request facebook

Facebook HottieSo I'm not any kind of dating guru or pickup artist but I've figured out how to get about 4-6 new friend requests a week from single, attractive women on Facebook. I don't have go to bars, join dating websites or post craigslist personals, Facebook conveniently delivers me fresh prospects on almost a daily basis. Here's how

1. Create an attractive profile

This is very important, get a profile picture that makes you look attractive, social, fun & interesting. You may have to go shopping, buy a creative outfit & get a photographer to take an interesting photo of you. Women will friend request you if you have a good photo. Make sure you're profile includes interesting tidbits of information about yourself. Example: you are in a band, you are starting a small business, you read philosophy, you are a salsa dancing pro, you are a massage therapist, etc. If you aren't a terribly exciting person (hey some of you aren't!) then I would first of all suggest getting out to the see the world more & secondly fill your profile with funny, clever or witty stuff for the time being.

2. Seem Important
I'm going to get a little technical here for a minute. Have you noticed that Facebook suggests friends to you on the right hand side of your screen? These suggestions are based upon an algorithm Facebook has for connecting people based upon them being in overlapping networks. Your goal is to have a profile that Facebook's algorithm deems is relevant to attractive single people. Here's how we accomplish that...

3. Group Targeting
Go to Facebook groups/Fan pages & start browsing the groups related to
• Entertainment
• Nightlife & nightclubs
• Fashion
• Musicians
• Bands & concerts
These are the kinds of things that in general beautiful, single women are interested in. Join all the groups related to the above interest areas but pick one (it should have a lot of hot chick members) get really connect with. Make sure you friend request (& even chit chat with) the admins or officers of the group/fanpage, then begin friend requesting the individual members of the group. As you get more connected within this group more of its members will start friend requesting you! Repeat this process with other groups.

4. Flirt
The best time to strike up a conversation is right after they request you, I've done a lot of experimenting & have found that this simple line works best to open up the conversation:

You sent me a friend request, how did you find me on FB? What do you do for work & for play? Feel free to hit me up on IM
A few conversation pointers
• You may look through their entire profile as soon as they hit you up but don't let them know that you know that they once went horseback riding in Nebraska with their step mother, this just makes you seem like a stalker. Allow for details of their work, school & interests to come up in the conversation.
• As opposed to telling them how hot they look post some funny comments & be flirty. Example; Nice stripper shoes! What a tiny dog you have, do the cats in the neighborhood scare it?
• Unless there is a lot of flirtation going on don't ask them directly for a date. Suggest that you run into each other at an event where there will be a lot of mutual friends. Or suggest they join you & your friends for a casual happy hour.
Now you want to create a friends' list categories within your own profile. To do this login to facebook, then go to, click '+Create a List' in the upper right hand corner, create a list called Hotties. Now whenever you get friend requests from hot chicks ad them this list. Now when you pull up Facebook instant messenger all the hotties you are friends with will show up conveniently all together. Get your flirt on with them!

• The more mutual friend you have with a Hottie the more likely she is to accept your friend request.
• You will have to do some friend requesting yourself, be careful you don't do too much friend requesting though (5-7 a day max), or Facebook will think you are a spam marketer & ban you.
• You will want to start by asking people to introduce you (or refer you) to the most popular, social person they know on Facebook in your town. Just tell them you are looking to network, since everyone is a networking whore now a days no one will take offense to that.
• You'll get some friend requests from guys too looking to network, go ahead & accept these also. Once your network grows large enough that you have a lot of hottie friend requests rolling in you can reject guys (or go back & delete them from your friends list)
• If you are feeling especially bold start your own group/fan page & categorize under on the interest areas I have listed above. Now people will really be friend requesting you!
• It is not possible to keep your social media & 'real life' separate, if you are going to do the above do plan to get out of the house, experience new things & make new friends.

How to attract Hot girl friend request facebook How to attract Hot girl friend request facebook Reviewed by Efukikata Efet on 16:08 Rating: 5

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