How to know Who unfollow me in instagram

Many readers have emailed us with a specific question: "How do I check who unfollowed me on Instagram?" The truth of the matter is that the multimedia-based social network doesn't natively offer this functionality right within the app. However, there are some ways to bypass this.

How to see who unfollowed you on instagram

For many millennials, Instagram is the social media platform that interests them most. Beyond seeing what your friends are up to, you can use the network to seek inspiration, learn and explore new areas of interest from professionals or masters of their craft (bodybuilding, automotive, cooking, makeup or photography are great examples).
Some people only want to follow those who follow them back (to increase their follower count), so in the remainder of this article we will share multiple methods with you to help you determine if a particular person unfollowed you on Instagram or how to set up a third-party service to regularly monitor who unfollowed you on IG. 

Manual Verification Of A Specific IG Account(s) 

If you are specifically looking to see whether a particular someone still follows you on Instagram, then this will be the quickest method to carry out and also the least time-consuming. 

If the IG user only follows you and you don't follow them back

If you are questioning whether someone in particular still follows you, but you have never followed them then you'll be able to use this simple method.
Instagram recently added a feature that will show you a 'Follow Back' button if a user is actively following you, but you haven't done it in return:
This means if visit an IG profile of someone which you don't follow, but you know used to follow you in the past then it should still say "Follow Back." If it doesn't and all you see is just the 'Follow' button then they have in fact unfollowed your account. 

If you and the Instagram user mutually follow each other

When both you and the user in question follow each other on IG, it becomes a more complicated endeavor as Instagram just shows a checkmark for anyone you are currently following to regardless of whether it is mutual or not.
The first option you have is either unfollow them and look for the "Follow Back" button. This is the easiest option, but it will also mean that they will likely get a notification that you followed them again (not ideal in some cases) or you'll have to request permission to follow again if their IG profile is private.
Secondly, you can manually check your follower list which is not a big deal with a small account but can be cumbersome if you have more than 1K followers. To do this, visit your profile > click on your 'followers' count and scour the list to see if this person's username is present. If their username isn't showing in this section, then they have unfollowed you.

Routine Tracking Of All Instagram Unfollowers

While the previous methods would allow you to determine if a specific user unfollowed you, this section will show you multiple apps which can be linked to your IG account and automatically show you which users are no longer following you over time.
Note: There are many articles on this question which are outdated and recommend an app called Unfollowgram which used to be the best way to track IG unfollowers for over four years. However, Instagram changed their terms of service and since the method Unfollowgram used was now illegal, the service has been shutdown (though it still remains live for Twitter users).
instagram unfollow tracker
An iOS app that allows you to link up your IG account to view data like new followers, unfollowers, users who don't follow you back and followers that you don't follow back.
There are a bunch of free features (including unfollower tracking), but you'll need to utilize the in-app purchases from $0.99 to $1.99 to unlock advanced features like to track who has blocked you on Instagram.
Beyond this, the interface is less than stellar with a design format that looks like it could have been developed back in 2005. However, all flaws aside, it can actively track your unfollowers for free, and that is good enough to recommend in this article.
instagram unfollowers

2) Follow Cop (Android)

A freemium app for Android users, Follow Cop allows you to gain a bunch of statistics on your Instagram account including non-followers, recent unfollowers, ghost followers (in-active users), top likers and top commenters.
The app is ad-supported for free users, and paid users receive no ads with higher limits for specific features. If you are looking for a free and easy to use solution for tracking who unfollowed you on IG from your Android smartphone or tablet then Follow Cop is a great app to consider.
who unfollowed me on ig
Yet another freemium app for iOS users, Followers Tracker provides a management tool that can actively track followers and unfollowers in real time with comprehensive analysis of your IG account.
Unlike Followers for Instagram mentioned above, this app actually has a modern user interface and feel to it, but charges a fee to use. This ranges from $4.99 for a month's worth of use, $17.99 for a six-month period of $23.99 for a full year of access. 

Are Instagram Unfollower Reporting Apps Safe?

Many people want to utilize third-party apps for tracking their Instagram unfollowers, but they are worried about the safety of their IG account. It is true that Instagram doesn't want you to utilize third-party services with your account, but these apps are relatively safe and you run little to no risk in using them.
However, use your own judgment before signing up for any of them and remember that moderation is key to staying under the radar. For example, enabling any sort of automation with automatically following/unfollowing other users could potentially flag your Instagram account as spam. Whereas merely monitoring and checking your unfollower list doesn't draw much attention on a social platform this large.
From our knowledge, there are no known cases where IG users had their accounts banned for using such a service for tracking who unfollowed them. However, there are certainly cases where people have had their Instagram account shut down for over automating tasks like following, unfollowing, comments or likes.

What Should You Do With IG Unfollowers?

If you've gotten this far then, you probably have utilized at least one of the methods to determine which users have unfollowed your Instagram account in the past. Once you've gotten this far you can decide to take a few different approaches to dealing with this dilemma:
  1. Do nothing, leave your unfollower alone and try to attract new, more targeted followers.
  2. Follow, like or comment on the unfollower's photos to try and win back their attention.
  3. Send them a direct message asking why they decided to unfollow, potentially convincing them to refollow you or gain valuable knowledge as to how to approach IG in a way that retains your current followers.
How to know Who unfollow me in instagram How to know Who unfollow me in instagram Reviewed by Efukikata Efet on 23:07 Rating: 5

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